Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rocky Mountain Bluebirds Common In Yellowstone

This is a Rocky Mountain Bluebird. No, I did not take this picture nor did anyone else with my camera. Whoever took it did a nice job and I would like to get that good with my camera.

Did you know that Rocky Mountain Bluebirds are common in Yellowstone National Park. A year ago last June, I was riding on a field trip park bus and we drove by Yellowstone Lake. Along the shore line maybe 30 or more bluebirds were resting on the shore. They were lined up and reminded me of bright blue lights along the shore on a stormy, dreary day.

If you are birdwatchers, look for something similar to the above photo when you travel to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. I think the sight of a Rocky Mountain bluebird is very fascinating, indeed, and I have occasionally seen them around our neighborhood.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hi Paige and Family,

I am glad to be on board with blog spot. It was nice to see the family today. It made the day very pleasant for me. I am enjoying life learning some new skills on my computer land I look forward to adding movies and pictures from my new camera that I got for Christmas.

I am working with this learning to use it and I will enjoy it once I know how to do it well. This has been a wonderful day for me to have you all come. It was so good to get to visit.

Love, Marilyn



I'm sweet Aunt Marilyn. I have a great family because I have a great brother.